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NAVEXPO, it is : 

> The highlighting of the know-how and the many innovations underway in the shipbuilding and maritime sector, through the exhibiting companies, the conferences and the Dynamic Expo "on-water, underwater and in the air"

With a focus on 4 key areas of innovations

              - Drones : Underwater, Surface, Air 

            - Decarbonised Motorisation technologies : Hybrid, Electric, Hydrogen, Gas ...

              - Wind Propulsion solutions : Kite traction, innovative Sails / Wings ...

              - Hydrodynamic systems : Foils, Surface Effect, Air injection ...

> A Dynamic Expo, unique in France, of Drones, Boats and various Equipment with visits onboard, sea trials and demonstrations 

> A business meeting located in the Great West of France, on the Atlantic Arc at the crossroads of major shipbuilding basins and anchored in Brittany, key maritime region

 > An innovative professional event set up on a site in front of the Lorient bay where are located nearby many key players

> A 3 days stopover for technical and business exchanges, organised in an exceptionnal and friendly setting in front of the sea


NAVEXPO trade fair presents under a huge marquee and on the harbour site some French and international exhibiting companies  :

  • Drones - Underwater, Surface, Air
  • Shipbuilding Repair / Equipment
  • Marine and underwater Survey
  • Port & Offshore Infrastructures
  • Maritime & Underwater Operations


NAVEXPO hosts the visit of French Maritime & River Professionals :

  • Transport Passengers / Freight
  • Offshore Wind / Petrol
  • Hydrography / Deep Sea Exploration
  • Maritime and Underwater Works
  • Safety / Security
  • Harbour Services
  • Fishing
  • Ports / Maritime Communities
  • Shipbuilding
 NAVEXPO hosts in particular managers of its partner NAVAL GROUP whose the shipyard is located next to the show.



NAVEXPO is an innovative business meeting that presents also a Dynamic Expo "on-water, underwater and in the air" unique in France - bringing together drones (underwater, surface, air),  different boats (from RIB to offshore vessel) and all types of demonstrators ...

During the 3 days show, the participants can attend Demonstrations of USV drones and dronized boats in the waters of the port, of ROV in the 26m3 large diving pool and of UAV maritime drones in the air.

Visits onboard boats and sea trials in the harbour of Lorient or offshore are organised regularly by the exhibitors to show, in real situation, the technical qualities of the boats and displayed materials.



NAVEXPO organizes conferences (mainly in French) on shipbuilding and maritime innovations...


PHOTOS of NAVEXPO last editions.


KEY FIGURES Edition 2024 :

-more than 100 French & international exhibiting and co-exhibiting companies

-around 3000 visits of professionals during the 3 days

Where ?

Where ?

NAVEXPO trade fair is now set up at Quai TCD at LANESTER in the LORIENT harbour


This new installation of NAVEXPO will dive the participants in the heart of an important shipbuilding and maritime site where many key players are located, next or near to the show : Navy shipyards, French navy, Shipowners of maritime services and works, Suppliers of wind propulsion ...
4 spaces

4 spaces

Companies Stands marquee - Conferences space - Dynamic Expo area - Coffee Restaurant space with view on the harbour


Unique in France ! Many drones - underwater, surface, air - professional boats, from RIB to offshore vessel, as well as other equipment are displayed alongside the large pontoons located only a few steps from the marquee. With Demonstrations, Onboard Visits and Sea Trials ...

  • A1
  • A2